
(Classes, Teachers, Materials, Drive & User Usage)

Designed for education

Application Details

Get Reports of all created classes, teachers and materials, drive usage and user usage.

1- You can get report about all created classes in your domain with the following details:

Class Owner



Creation Date

Last Updated

Course State

Course Section

Course Name

Enrollment Code

Course Id


Class Link

2- You can get a detail report for a single course with the following details:

Teacher & Co-teachers' Names

Teachers ID

Teachers Email

Material Title

Material Type

Creator User ID

Creation Time

Material Link

Teachers Folder

3- You can get report about the Google drive usage with the following details:



Document Type


4- You can get a report about the user usage with the following details:



Last Login

Num Emails Received

Num Drive Files Created

You will get a hyperlink for the created reports or you can find them in your google drive.

This is a spreadsheet add-on, that means extracting reports can be done by installing the add-on using a spreadsheet.

Screen Shots